Friday, January 30, 2009

If I were a writer for SNL

Because one of my favorite television shows is Saturday Night Live and my dream career is television writing, I often think about what I would come up with if I were ever given the opportunity to write for the program. Of course, part of the regular sketch line-up for the show are parodies. Below is a list of some things that I would parody the hell out of if it were up to me. Please note that I don't dislike or disrespect most, of the following things, I just think they would make for great material.

  • Twilight! The book series and the film would be so easy to poke fun at. I can just imagine a scene where one of the female cast members, such as Kristen Wiig, plays a teenage girl who brings home to meet her parents her boyfriend - Bill Hader as a wide and shifty eyed "Edward" with extreme bedhead wearing caked on white powder and red lipstick.

  • Lost. I have been a huge fan of the show from the beginning, but even I can recognize that it is getting out of control. I don't think the cast of SNL would even be big enough to play all the main characters.

  • Gossip Girl. Even MORE unbelievable than the time-travel plotlines in Lost.
  • The songs on Britney Spears' new album, which are more like three minutes of strategically placed sound effects than musical compositions.
  • Paige Davis' recent comeback thanks to her RC Willey commercials. No explanation necessary.

That's all for now cause I'm starting to feel too critical and annoying.


Senor Boyero said...

I think the real parody deserving thing right now would be Obama's over the top inauguration, Shamwow douche who says "we can't do this all night" but the commercial is on 24 hours a day!, Billy Mays too for that matter, Lorne Michaels needs some making fun of from Mad TV, Dancing with the Stars, Pixar movies (there are like 4 or 5 a month), a white family that watches Tyler Perry and all their friends are really confused, and Megan Belcher's laugh.

Senor Boyero said...

Also, I did a search for your blog "Single in the City" except I didn't put "-jackie" and commented on someone else's blog that I thought was yours.

Jackie said...

HA HA! I seriously almost listed Shamwow too! Also, Shamwow was the butt of a joke on last week's show and I was like "Ah man! I am so ahead of them!"

Nick, you have great ideas. lets make our own show!

Also, that's really funny that you commented on someone else's blog. Thanks for the comments, pal!

Megan said...

you have a blog! i never knew both. I love it, just like I love your face.