Tuesday, April 21, 2009

iPhone? No, thank you, Mr. Jobs, I'd rather not.

Can I just say one thing or is this Russia? I am not drinking the iPhone kool-aid! Almost everybody who owns one seems to rant and rave about its endless possibilities. But have you ever been in a social setting and got stuck with the guy that wants to show you that his iPhone screensaver is fish that move when you run your finger over them? How bout the guy that desribes funny YouTube videos then says "I'll look it up on my iPhone" and then spends five minutes trying to download it? "Hang on, its loading. Its being slow. I don't know what's going on. It never does this." Have you ever been texting someone and then discovered that they were being short in their texts because they were distracted by games they were playing on their iPhone?! I have. And it was while I was BLOGGING ABOUT THE iPHONE!

Don't even get me started on the repetitive commercials where some friendly voice-over omnipotently identifies everything you ever needed in life and then tells you the iPhone has an app for it. Is there anything the iPhone can't do?! Is a pocket sized piece of metal stripping us of our competence and humanity?! If I could create a mock commercial of the iPhone it would go something like this: "Need to use the lavatories throughout the day? Want to wash your hands afterwards? There's an app for that. " Then of course they would get more and more ridiculous: "Need to tuck your children into bed and kiss them goodnight? Want to save time reading them a bedtime story too? There's an app for that."

This is how bitter I feel towards the iPhone. iPhone you better watch your back!


Harris Family said...

jackie your so funny. I love reading these. You need to post more often. Stupid piece of crap iPhone!

Megan said...

you speak truth, jackie. and the world needs to hear it.

j said...

there is something fishy about millions of american consumers being okay with cell phones getting larger.

what bothers me is that iphone users are either talking about their iphone or ignoring me to use their iphone.

there is no best friend app.

Jackie said...

LOL! AMEN Anonymouse! There IS no best friend app, but they will probably try to create that next. Don't give them any more ideas.

Jonny P said...

I think there's an app that cures grumpiness. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Suzie Craft said...

Jackie- check out my blog post to see me simulating parenting via iPhone...

In all honestly, though, most of the time spent on my iphone is for the basics. I rarely use the silly stuff.... like the fart machine app.


Ryan and Lindsay Durrant said...

AMEN SISTER, AMEN!!!! I am only Ryan's wife until about 9:30, then his iphone is his wife until bed time. BOOOO! I will never conform! Cheap flip phones will prevail! PS: Apple doesn't have anything in it's dictionary, but it doesn't underline iphone!!! So gay!